

教员事务 和 the 医学教育卓越中心 are committed to creating a culture of well-being that supports an environment which encourages faculty members to flourish 和 achieve their career goals, 充分发挥专业潜力,卓越教学.


The 医学教育卓越中心 offers a variety of faculty 和 staff development programs 和 trainings, 网上在线研讨会, 和  点播会话录音. 你可以浏览 这里所有cee机会的完整日历.

CME团队很自豪能与博蒙特CME合作. 您可以查看按需列表  这里的CME产品.

电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 的信息.


基础医学研究教职员Stefanie Attardi博士.D. is available to assist faculty with making the transition to online instruction via 咨询 有了这些  两个有用的指南:向在线教学环境的过渡"和"在线教学工具快速参考列表." 


我们13th 年度 医学教育周 将于2024年5月13日至17日举行.

对2023年医学教育周录制课程感兴趣? 在这里注册观看这些录音.



The Leadership 教育 和 Development (LEAD) certificate program is a year-long, cohort-based, nation-wide educational leadership development program administered through the Association of American 医疗 Colleges (AAMC).  An institution-sponsored program (ISP) model of LEAD will be offered at OUWB each calendar year (January – December). 最多16名研究员将被接受进入OUWB当地的LEAD项目.

The LEAD program fosters practical knowledge drawn from the best recognized theoretical models 和 best practices of effective leadership that are relevant to medical education organizations 和 processes.  This program is targeted for early to mid-career faculty who are aspiring to or are already in leadership roles in medical education. Professional staff in leadership roles also can be considered as a Fellow in the LEAD Cohort. 成功完成LEAD项目后, 毕业生将获得AAMC领导认可证书.


审查2024 LEAD研究员信息包.

电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 有关此计划的更多信息


An advanced-level hybrid program will teach skills in medical education research, 包括如何制定一个可测试的研究问题, 设计研究, 申请审查委员会批准, 进行研究, 分析数据, 并通过海报传播结果, 出版物, 以及讲台演讲.

Participants will be expected to display a poster 和 present on their project during 医学教育周. 这个项目由十个环节组成. You will select five online sessions from our menu of recordings to watch on your own time. 

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


The 医学教育证书 introduces the theory 和 practice of medical education. 涵盖了一系列问题, varying from the practicalities of running classes to the underlying theories that inform 和 guide what we do in the classroom. 该计划提供医学教育的基本知识, 包括但不限于教授大型和小型小组, 使用技术, 课程理论, 教育学, 指导, 仿真和阈值概念. 还将介绍医学教育的奖学金和研究. 

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


Provides residents exposure to medical teaching concepts 和 gives them an opportunity to improve their teaching skills through role-play 和 other activities. Residents who successfully complete the program will receive an Advanced Training in 医疗 教育 certificate. The program includes the Stanford curriculum taught by Beaumont physicians 和 an interactive plenary series. 该项目在8月至5月的学年期间进行.

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.


Are you seeking Implicit Bias training to meet the State of Michigan Licensing 和 Regulatory Affairs (LARA) requirements? CEME提供了各种获得这些学分的机会. You can find the most updated list of sessions on our registration page under the "内隐偏见" section. 会议仅限于那些具有Corewell健康或Oakl和电子邮件地址的人, 所以请用正确的邮箱注册.



认识到临床教学的重要性, 这些研讨会是为任何教授医学生的教员设计的. Following the module of the Stanford 教师发展 Center for 医疗 Teachers, 这个节目由说教式的演讲组成, 小组讨论, 角色扮演练习, 以及个人和机构的目标设定. The faculty who have completed this program have raved about their successful implementation of a “non-prescriptive behavioral approach for improving teaching.” The eight faculty members who attended the one-month program at Stanford School of Medicine 和 received training are certified to offer this highly regarded 和 effective teaching program to OUWB faculty.

请联系 (电子邮件保护) 有关此计划的更多信息.



同学之间的关系 is an intentional coaching program for faculty interested in creating reciprocal collaboration with peer faculty from Michigan medical schools. 根据研究和教学兴趣进行配对. 每年, we provide the opportunity for faculty to continue their current coaching groups or match with additional faculty members. 除了将来自不同医学院的教员组合在一起, 我们也提供教师合作发展的机会. 

了解更多关于同伴联系项目的信息 在这里.




  • 情感: This dimension is focused on the awareness 和 acceptance of one’s feelings 和 emotional response.
  • 知识: This dimension is concerned with continuous intellectual stimulation 和 growth.
  • 职业: This dimension is focused on the fulfillment 和 satisfaction one receives through their work.
  • 物理: This dimension is concerned with one’s physical health 和 the need for regular 和 sustained physical activity.
  • 社会: This dimension is focused on one’s connection to others through their environment 和 community.
  • 精神上的: This dimension is concerned with one’s connection with their beliefs 和 values that provide a sense of meaning 和 purpose to one’s life.



十大菠菜台子娱乐与幸福 提供各种各样的工作坊,专注于幸福的六个维度. These workshops are open to any OUWB faculty or staff members who would like to participate.

哦, 博蒙特健康’s employee wellness program provides a variety of offerings 和 resources exclusively available to Beaumont employees. 这些服务包括正念课程, 健康生活方式指导, 员工激励会议, ,目前, 活动追踪补贴计划.


有关cme教师发展活动的完整日历,请单击 在这里.
